
Coaching webinar “Coach Up – Experience Managerial Coaching”

A growing number of organizations recognize the value in building a coaching culture that offers employees at all levels the opportunity to learn, grow, and contribute to the company.

Coaching can help you to build and grow your organization and employees. Coaching increases the productivity of employees to 70%, better working organization to 60%, and better team effectivity to 51%.

Why is coaching culture good for your company?

• Erickson’s solution-focused coaching approach has 2 dimensionsachievement and personal transformation. It means that we understand that the results are very important, but also, it’s very important for the person to reconnect with her values and embrace the inner change.

• Coaching principle is focused on the result or person, rather than a problem. It helps people to achieve their goals, but stay motivated.

Coaching has shown results in working with experts that are in the company for a long time and need inner motivation, or clarity when it comes to the question “What is the next step in my career?”. Also, it helps younger colleagues to have more responsibility for their actions. It’s an ideal tool when a person should move from expert to managerial position.


• The result of a coaching session should be the action steps person who was the client should do between this session and the next session in 10 or 14 days. In that way we can see the progress of the person, and also support her to achieve the desired result.


How and why managerial coaching is working in practice? – The best way to figure this out is to try it!

We invite you to apply for the “Coach Up” webinar and experience managerial coaching!

Although coaching has existed in the world for decades, people still equate this methodology with consultation, mentoring, or therapy, and still cannot understand what the proven results of this methodology are. More than ever, people need personal transformation. Companies need it too.

We believe that coaching is that agent of change, which allows the individual to change the world one conversation at a time

Due to all the above, we want to give you the opportunity to experience coaching first hand. We invite you to become the client of a professional coaching session.

You will have the opportunity to work with Erickson Professional Coach and discover from the first hand what are the benefits of the managerial coaching approach.

Why attend the Coach Up?

If you are a manager and want to help your team members to learn, grow and achieve results or you want to  become a professional coach this workshop is for you!

You will have the opportunity to:


Learn more about managerial coaching and it’s benefits from your personal experience


Work with a professional coach on your goals and see what would be the effect of such a conversation


Ask relevant questions and get your answers in the shortest period of time


Learn the basics of managerial coaching and apply it in your organization immediately
The event is scheduled for the 22nd of September at 18h on the Zoom link.
The number of participants is limited. Book your place on time.

Why is it important for us to do this?

We believe that in this uncertain times is very important to safe ourselves. Our mental and physical health. We think that when your attitude is right circumstances don’t count. We believe that we can do something in order to make this world a better place. In order to change the world one conversation at time.

Thank you

Thank you for the application. Our consultants will send you more information about the workshop soon.

Sign up for – Coaching through change – How to stay agile?

Registration for Coaching through change – How to stay agile?

Fill out the form and we will send you more information about the workshop as well as the Zoom link. See you on August 20th, 18h CET.



Coaching through change – How to stay agile?

The only constant in life is change (Heraclitus).
It is known from ancient Greek philosophy and it is still valid today.

Change is inevitable!

Whether you work in a multinational corporate environment, small business or a nonprofit, change is part of the job. In a study conducted a few years back by HCI (Human Capital Institute) almost 80% of leaders said their organization is in a constant state of change.

Change proves challenging and a big percent of organizations are still reporting they are unsuccessful in their change management efforts. Change, so present in our lives from ancient Greece to the 21st century, remains a significant challenge and is hard to navigate effectively.

Implementing coaching in every stage of the change journey is the game changer organizations need.

In this panel discussion, we will talk with people that are implementing coaching trough change in different organizational environments, across different industries.

During this discussion with our panelists, we will cover:


What are the most common barriers to effective change and how to surpass them?


How can coaching support transformational change in different business environments (agile versus traditional)?


Impact of empowered leaders and engaged employees

The Topic: Coaching trough change – How to stay agile. Panel discussion

Date and time: 20th of August, 2020 at 18h

Location: Zoom

Participation is free!

Change is inevitable, but we can handle it!


The only methodology that allows you to discover the deep structure of the personality.

Date: 07-10 September 2020 0nline.

Get 10%off for registration before Aug 14th

The Art and Science of Coaching Boot Camp

For the first time in this region.
It’s intensive. Money and time-saving.
It has the highest coaching quality.

Thank you

Thank you for the application. Our consultants will send you more information about the workshop soon.

Sign up form for – Coach Up – Experience Professional Coaching

Registration Form: Experince Coaching

Coach Up Form



Coach Up – Experience Professional Coaching

How does one know that something is really working? That has the highest quality and is really valuable?

We can hear stories, we can read materials, study research and theories, meet the experts and we can have some idea.

However the best way to discover if something is truly working for us or for our company is to simply try it out ourselves.

Coaching has existed in the world for decades now, and still there is confusion of coaching methodology with consultation, mentoring, or therapy. It might be hard to understand what are the proven results of this methodology. More than ever, individuals need transformation, and organizations need it too.

We believe that coaching is that agent of transformation that equips the individual to change the world one conversation at a time

The Coach Up series gives you the opportunity to experience coaching first hand. We invite you to become the client of a professional coaching session!

About Coach Up

If you want to become a professional coach, or you think that this methodology can help you to achieve your goals as a coachee , this event is for you.



Learn more about your future profession from experience


Work with a professional coach on your goals and see what would be the effect of such a conversation


Ask relevant questions and get your answers in the shortest period of time


Meet the people that have same interests as you
The event is scheduled for 22nd of July at 18h. Your host will be Marija Branovački, ICF-ACC Coach.
The number of participants is limited. Book your place on time.

… And WHY is it important for us ?

We believe that in this ever-changing times our mental and physical health becomes more and more important. We think that when your attitude is right circumstances don’t count. We believe that we can do something in order to make this world a better place and change the world one conversation at time.

High Performance Virtual Team Coaching

As humanity is riding out the pandemic, we are more exposed to anxiety and vulnerability. Separated physically from our usual environment, we find ourselves sporadically touching base remotely with those we used to see regularly. Many feel lost.

How can leaders support their teams? How can coaches help? Can teams not only survive, but thrive throughout these new unexpected times?

When uncertainty is a norm all of us can become drivers of the change and actively co-create our future. We believe in power of adaptability to generate positive change in a virtual world. With a clear structure and focus we empower individuals to thrive in high performance virtual teams.

If you are part of a team, leading a team, or coaching teams, this is the perfect time to enhance and strengthen your abilities to better support them on the path to success.

During our workshop we will explore and experience live tools and methods for engagement, value-creation and strengthening connection in virtual high performing teams.

Looking forward to discuss with you insightful and transformational techniques

Join us on May 5th at 4pm – length of the workshop: 90min plus Q&A / debate session

For registration, please apply in advance

Please note due to the interactive concept of the workshop we are bound to limit the number pf participants. Once you register trough the link above, you will receive a message confirming your reserved spot. Should you decide not to join, please cancel in due time (email reply) to free up space for participants on the waiting list.
Your facilitators:

Halka Balackova: Halka has been working as a freelance consultant, coach and trainer leading a large number of consulting, training and development projects for many Czech and international companies. She is MBA graduate and ICF PCC. Her mission is to help managers run their teams and businesses effectively supporting friendly working environment and the development of human skills in the companies.

David Merten: With psychological background David is focused on well-being of individuals in teams to build diverse and a transparent workforce. After 9+ years in leadership positions he supports today coaching and training initiatives with adaptation to the current needs of virtual team engagement

Andra Crisan: Andra is an entrepreneur, coach and mentor passionate about people, always challenging the status quo and driving game-changing approaches. With 15+ years of leadership expertise in complex business environments across FMCG and IT, through her roles today she promotes sustainable transformation for individuals, teams and businesses.